All the awesome people out there

This what I feel, sense, like. This is here. This is now.

Friday, January 4, 2008

the perfect theft

hi this is a new short story that i am trying to write. It is mixture of two recent news that i have just read in newspaper.

This shorst story is pretty long so will post it as and how i complete it.


First January was a perfect date for inauguration. BMC was all set to open their newly renovated museum. 31st December, generally declared as holiday in municipality was a working day for some of the employees, who were involved with the project. “Finally,” commented Bhagat Rao, “we are almost done with the preparation. It is all set and done.”
“But sir you know…” Devang couldn’t believe he was actually objecting to something that his head was so desperately waiting for.
“Shhh… dare you speak a word about it. It’s not healthy. Not at least when we are just about to invite media.”

“It is risky,” Devang tried to put his point forward again.

“It is not. Before anyone even knows, the work will be done, don’t you worry. Just go home and relax. Two days later you will have no time to rest. I want you early in the morning here tomorrow.”

“It is understood that I will not leak the news to media. But what about those people who are involved with the insurance? They of course know the fact that we are not insured for as many as 3,500 items.”

“Devang, go home and relax.”

Bhagat rao left in his brand new white Honda City, which he had just received from the government on his promotion. He thought a little what Devang had just said. He couldn’t deny the fact that he was too worried about the same, but the excitement of the new museum was far too great.

Chapter I

Nishit was just too excited, he is going to turn 18 tomorrow. What a day! 1st January – a perfect day for anyone’s birthday. Everyone celebrates the first day of year and he celebrates both, New Year and birth day. “It is a perfect day indeed,” he thought to himself. He had already planned his birthday with his friends. “I am going to race, so fast, against this traffic – against this world. Dad will definitely by me a car; he promised me.” His imagination was taking a different turn altogether. Today his felt his feet dancing not to the tunes of songs, like in his profession, but with joy. He will be eligible for dancing academy tomorrow. Soon, he will join the league in United States, making the whole world dance.

The taxi thumped. Squeaked.

“We are already at Bharti Vidhya Bhavan, sir, where should I head now?”

“No where,” Nishit replied him as he handed over a ten rupee note and three coins to him, “I will get down here.”

“Four steps more,” he thought to himself, “and I will be one step closer to my ambition. I will be a choreographer. Yes!”

“Hey Nishit,” Gaurav shouted in his loud hoarse voice.

Nishit greeted Gaurav with a soft smile. “Nishit, I was calling since a long time… the class is closed today, our master expired last night…” Gaurav was almost puffing as if he had run miles. Such a lousy lazy guy, Nishit would have thought if the news was not so shocking. He was completely blown by what he had just heard. It is not possible. Sir was going to suggest me to some directors. He was so impressed with my work. He was going to talk about sponsorship to United States. Now I will have to join dad’s business. I will never be able to convince dad about my dance study abroad.

“Nishit! Are you listening to me?”

“I have lost everything that I have.”

“No, you haven’t. Remember something that I told you a few days ago?”

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